ALL ABOARD! Ever dream of forgetting your troubles, kicking back, and enjoying a scenic train ride? Well, we've picked a few rides where you'll be able to kick back for a loooong time. The longest time, in fact! Welcome to the longest train rides in the world!
We love a good train ride. What better way to explore different countries while sightseeing at the same time? And by hopping on the longest train rides in the world, you can cover thousands of miles in style!
Stay on track with our top 6 list of the longest trains from the United States to Russia to India:
1. The Trans-Siberian Express

The Journey: Moscow, Russia to Vladivostok, Russia Distance: 5,772 miles Duration: 6+ Days Maybe the most legendary of all train rides, and certainly among the longest! Traveling across 7 different time zones while sightseeing the imposing Ural Mountains and Lake Baikal, the deepest lake in the world! This is the ride for you if you're looking for an epic journey across diverse and sprawling landscapes for a truly scenic train ride.
2. Trans-Mongolian

The Journey: Moscow, Russia - Beijing, China Distance: 4,862 miles Duration: 6 Days The lesser known sibling of the Trans-Siberian Express, this railway follows the route of ancient tea caravans. Start in Russia, stop or cruise through Siberia and Mongolia and the Gobi desert, and enter into China. Pack your bags for an ancient adventure!
3. The Canadian

The Journey: Toronto, Canada - Vancouver, Canada Distance: 2,775 miles Duration: 3 Days Head back to the Western Hemisphere for a journey across Canada's wilderness. If you're into nature experiences, this train is for you. You'll be completely unplugged - no WiFi on this journey! The mountains, forests and landscapes of Canada will leave you speechless. You'll even get to see moose, deer, and bears along the way. Who needs WiFi anyway?
4. The Indian Pacific

The Journey: Sydney, Australia - Perth, Australia Distance: 2,704 miles Duration: 4 Days Head Down Under! This Australian train ride is not only one of the longest, but it has the longest stretch of straight tracks in the world. Double Whammy! Experience waterfalls, forests, and blue mountains. Maybe even some kangaroos!
5. Vivek Express

The Journey: Dibrugarh, India- Kanyakumari, India Distance: 2,650 miles Duration: 4+ Days India has a long and fascinating history with trains. As the longest train ride in India, the Vivek Express runs from northeast India to the far south. It travels across the entire length of India. Be prepared to fall in love with the colorful train culture this beautiful country has to offer!
6. California Zephyr

The Journey: Chicago, IL- San Francisco, CA - United States Distance: 2,438 miles Duration: 2 Days No need to fly on a plane to hop on a train. The California Zephyr is the longest train ride in the United States! Traveling through the Rocky Mountains, the canyons in Colorado, and the Sierra Nevadas - the views are nothing short of amazing making it the ultimate scenic train ride!
The Canadian trip sounds like something an old man would enjoy.
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